mardi 13 novembre 2018

RENAISSANCE (1300–1600)

Bramantino, cristo resucitado 1490

Bramantino, L'adoration du berger

Bramantino, Couronnement de la Vierge (détail)

Bramantino and the French Rule in Renaissance Lombardy

Bartolomeo Suardi dit BRAMANTINO (1456-1530), est un peintre et un architecte, principalement actif dans sa ville natale, Milan.

Bartolomeo Suardi says BRAMANTINO (1456-1530), is a painter and an architect, mainly active in his native Milan.

2 commentaires:

  1. Oh my goodness I have never scene that picture of the Christ, it is somewhat shocking. I find the moon in the background with a face painted on very interesting and it makes me smile because it is something I would do.

    In answer to your question yes that is Virginia Wolfe on my blog, I love her and her sister's faces they just have this secret sadness. Have a wonderful weekend Sim, hugs and kisses.

  2. Mercy I can't believe I typed SCENE instead of SEEN my fingers must be moving faster then my brain. lol
    Also I should say that your pictures are so special because many of them I am not familiar with and would probably never get a chance to see otherwise. Thank you for the time and effort you take to show them to the world in a wonderfully clear and enlarged way.
