dimanche 31 janvier 2021

RENAISSANCE (1300-1600)

Ambrogio Bergognone, Sant'Agata

Ambrogio Bergognone, Christ carrying the Cross

Ambrogio Bergognone, Christ carrying the Cross
Ambrogio Bergognone, Agony in the garden

Ambrogio Bergognone, Christ risen from the tomb

Ambrogio Bergognone, The Assumption of the Virgin

Ambrogio Bergognone, Christ crowned with thorns

Ambrogio Bergognone, Madonna col Bambino

Ambrogio Bergognone, Madonna col Bambino, detail

Ambrogio Bergognone est un peintre italien de la Renaissance actif dans et près de Milan.

Ambrogio Bergognone was an Italian painter of the Renaissance period active in and near Milan.

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