vendredi 5 février 2021

RENAISSANCE (1300-1600)

Lorenzo Costa, Le couronnement d'Isabelle d'Este

Lorenzo Costa, Concert, 1488-90
Lorenzo Costa, Concert, détail

Lorenzo Costa, La vierge et l'enfant, 1505

Lorenzo Costa, Adorazione dei magi, c.1499

Lorenzo Costa, Portrait of a Cardinal in his Study (as St Jerome)

Lorenzo Costa, Portrait of a Lady with a lapdog, c.1500

Lorenzo Costa, Saint Peter, 1505

Lorenzo Costa, The adoration of the shepherds with angels, c.1499

Lorenzo Costa, Venus, 1515

Lorenzo Costa, Saint John the Baptist

Lorenzo Costa, Saint John the Evangelist

Lorenzo Costa (le Vieux) (1460-1535),  est un peintre italien de la  Renaissance, se rattachant à l'école de Ferrare.

Lorenzo Costa (il Vecchio) was an Italian painter of the Renaissance, attached to the school of Ferrara.

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