vendredi 26 octobre 2018

RENAISSANCE (1300–1600)

The Virgin and Child with Two Angels, Andrea del Verrocchio 1476-78

Andrea del verrocchio, The Virgin detail

Andrea del Verrocchio, Mary with the Child

Andrea del Verrocchio, Tobias and the Angel, c.1470-75

Verrocchio, madonna del latte

Workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio, 1470s

Andrea del Verrocchio, The Virgin with the Child

Andrea del Verrocchio, virgin and child

Andrea di Michele di Cione dit Le Verrocchio est un sculpteur, peintre et orfèvre italien de la seconde moitié du Quattrocento. Il reçut un nombre important de commandes de Laurent de Médicis, dit le Magnifique, tenant auprès de lui le rôle que Donatello avait joué auprès de Cosme l'Ancien.

Andrea di Michele di Cione says The Verrocchio is an Italian sculptor, painter and silversmith of the second half of the Quattrocento. He received a large number of orders from Lorenzo de'Medici, says the Magnificent, holding beside him the part that Donatello had played with Cosimo the Elder.

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